Detention, Boobs, & Unfortunate Noises

**A Guest Post! By: Westlynn of Moonguard**

The halls of the academy were long and made of many doors that housed full classrooms of bright, talented, and diligent students. Located in the heart of the school was the vast Library—a maze of books and tombs filed away neatly..all but  were returned and piled high in what seemed like never-ending stacks. That is where, deep in the middle of the literary mountains, Little Miss Euphrates Rossi Quan’tico sat on a high stool. Though she was quiet at work—flipping each page of every new book to ensure its quality and then filing it away in its proper origin, one might see that she did so begrudgingly. The head Librarian would occasionally peek over her gold-brimmed glasses at the young girl—she was told to keep an eye on that one. She was tricky.  In other parts of the library others like Phrates were at work—toiling away as punishment for acting out in class. They were the difficult ones and into the library another would enter.

He was late. Cursing under his breath and trying to smooth down his very obviously tousled hair, Tyren Firewing slipped into the Library. Tardiness was what landed him there in the first place but…Oh it was worth it. Smirking at the memory, Tyren  ducked around book cases, doing his best to avoid the Librarian. If she asked, he’d been here the -whole time-. Quietly, the young man stationed himself at the opposite side of a tall stack of books from another girl. He plucked one up, opening it and-
pretending to inspect its pages before putting it up on a random shelf.

Though her time spent here was meant to be punishment, it seemed the girl enjoyed it far more than being stuck in a classroom which subjects that didn’t ignite her interests. Her talents lay in getting what she wanted—and with just a few theatrical displays during lecture, she had received a nearly free pass to her current location. As she flipped the pages with dainty polished fingernails, she’d briefly stop..finding interest in the illustrations of the nude body in a medical book—or fancying a passage about a particularly crude character of a play. She was easy at entertaining herself, as she was by far her biggest fan. She had seen the boy as he entered..keeping close notes on who came and went. At his approach she quietly closes her book and observes. “You’ve placed it in the wrong pile.” she says in a hollow voice.

Tyren glances up from the next book he had chosen. He lofts a brow and cants his head to one side with a curious smile. He drags his fingers through his long, messy hair and shrugs. “What’s it matter?” Euphrates’ lips shift into a sweet smile and she stretches out her foot to stand. She takes his book and replaces it with the one in her hand “it matters because that’s my ‘opps these books have naughty drawings in them and should be removed’ pile. She flips to a page in her book and taps her finger upon a scrawling of curse words and rather imaginative body poses. “Oooh..why didn’t you just say so.” He grins a broad, charming grin that caused the corners of his eyes to crinkle. With a deft movement he snatches the book back and fishes a pencil from his uniform jacket’s pocket. His boyish grin morphs into one of gleeful mischief as he scribbles something on the inside cover. He nods to himself once finished, satisfied, and sets the book back on the naughty pile.

Euphrates watches him with curiosity—did she appreciate him creeping into her literal pile of trouble? “Well let us see what you drew—I can’t possibly allow you to continue without checking the quality.” Phrate’s side glances as she says this, smirking to herself furtively.

With a shrug, Tyren gestures to the book he had set down. “By all means,” he whispers, that grin still playing on his lips. As Phrates inspected the book, she would find a crudely drawn woman— well, what was expected to be a woman. The majority of the drawing was her breasts, probably three times larger than the rest of her body.

Euphrates cranes her neck, sending her cream-curls down to bounce against her face as she does so. Her eyes scan the page before flicking over to look at the boy. At eye contact she bats her lashes and smiles deviously “What’s your name, boy?” she asks in a quiet voice, lingering over the book. Tyren hums quietly as he places a few more books into random piles. “Tyren Firewing…” He pauses and looks up at the girl. His brow furrows and he leans in close, “You…I know your name. Something…Fruities?”

She had deviated her eyes again—looking over the library—at his name guess she lofts a quiet brow, seeming to decide, then, that this kid was …interesting…and also annoying “Phrates, I understand, though, that you and half the school have a certain speech impediment that disallows you to properly wrap your tongue around it’s prononciation, and I do pity your future ventures in life because of it. I can’t imagine how embarassing it must be to stumble over words like common peasantry.” She says this in a dry and calm voice—watching him for a few moments before her eyes go back to whatever they were following.
For several long beats, Tyren simply stares at the girl. He can’t quite seem to decide whether to be amused, or offended. Finally he lets out a loud laugh, not caring if it would get them in trouble. “-Phrates-. My apologies, Miss Phrates. It’s quite nice to meet you.”

“yes…..” she says with mild distraction “It is.” she grins to herself before changing her tune rather promptly. She returns her eyes back to the book with a bit of haste “Have you drawn in books before?” she asks with enthusiasm. He smirks and wiggles his pencil between his index and middle fingers. “I draw shit in my text books sometimes. Arithmetic gets rather boring.” He tilts his head and opens up a book, offering it over to Phrates. “What about you?”

Phrates displays an interest in him. Though she was young, she knew boys were hard pressed to ignore a pretty girl’s attention “Oh. I dabble.” she understates. “Are you always so bad?” she says with a sweetened voice “What else do you do? ”

Tyren’s smirk slowly turns back towards that boyish grin of his. “Well,” he brushes the tip of his nose and shrugs, “I really wouldn’t call myself -bad-. I just like to have fun, y’know?”

“oh, I bet~” she winks and feigns a blush. “Oh um.” she shrugs her shoulders up coyly “Can I see more of your doodles?” she taps on the book with her fingernail.
He shakes his head and offers Phrates his pencil. “Let us take turns, mm? You draw something for me.” Phrates gasps “Oh!” she says in a spirited whisper “Well~~ Okay” she winks. However, she doesn’t take the pencil but instead backs up and at an opportuned moment she lifts her voice “No! I won’t draw in those books! I can’t believe you’d do that!” she hisses and backs away with shock—pointedly bumping into a stack of books and nearly topling it.

At the noise another figure comes closer—having been watching the two while she made her rounds, the lead librarian darts over and shoves Tyren away “WHAT ON AZEROTH!” she says in the loudest whisper possible. Her words spit out loathsome shock and incredulous rage. Tyren, once again, is left staring at Phrates as she shouts shrilly. His mouth moves, though no sound comes out until the librarian arrives. At that time he just closes his mouth and shakes his head incredulously.
The Librarian whips off her golden-rimmed glasses and stares down at the book for several moments. She snaps and looks over to Phrates with a suspicious growl “What did you two do?!”

Phrates throws her hands up “What did, I do?! I don’t even have a pencil!” she insists, patting herself down “He told me he wrote in that whole pile of books! I didn’t know!” she pleads.  The librarian growls and whips around to look at Tyren
Tyren stands there for a while, still slowly shaking his head. He finally finds his voice and his big, boyish grin. “Well, ma’am, I suppose I’ve been caught red handed. I have been systematically drawing in every book in this library. Even though I’ve never checked one out. I’m sneaky that way. Are those new glasses?”

The Librarian was -furious-. Who would do such a thing? She was perplexed at his audacity..and..oh he complimented her glasses! How sweet he was—what?! No! “YOU ARE IN -big- TROUBLE” she says with great emphasis..though she still maintained a whisper! She was skilled. Her hand reaches out for his school uniform and with ink-stained and paper-cut fingers she tugs him away. “You are going to be erasing graphite and magically removing ink for the rest of your school year at this rate! Look at what you’ve done, you illiterate, bafoon!” As they were making to go, Phrates would certainly attempt to sneak in a small wave to Tyren and a wink. Poor unfortunate, stupid boy, she smiles to herself.
At that time, the librarian turned back to thank Phrates—but instead she saw the proud and satisfied look upon the girl’s face. With rage she turns back around and shakes her head with immense disappointment and annoyance. She grabs up Phrates as well—“No one innocent would be making a face like -that-!!” Tyren throws his head back with a laugh as the Librarian turned to snatch up Phrates as well. “Ahh my partner in crime, you almost got away!”

“Please keep the hole in your face shut—you are an unfortunate noise.” she grumbles as they were toted off to the Dean.

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